Specializations & Services
- Real Estate
- Companies, Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions
- Construction and Infrastructure Investments
- Litigation and Arbitration
- Contracts in business dealings
- Intellectual and Industrial Property
- E-commerce Support
- Labour and Social Security Law
- Restructuring and Bankruptcy
- Administrative Law
- Tax Law
- Criminal Business Law and Tax Law
- Mortgages in Swiss Francs and Savings and Insurance Policies
- Services provided to developers (and apartment buyers)
We help, among others In:
- We investigate the legal status of real estate (legal audit of real estate).
- We provide comprehensive legal services for transactions (agreements for sale, lease, rental, exchange or leasing).
- We offer legal support in obtaining financing for real-estate projects.
- We handle a wide range of re-privatization cases.
- We support our Clients in the field of easements, as well as real-estate rights and claims.
- Among other activities, we represent Clients in court cases, administrative proceedings and land and mortgage proceedings.
- We comprehensively handle investment projects.
- We offer legal assistance in the field of agricultural real estate.

Companies, Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions
Companies, Corporate Law, Mergers and AcquisitionsWe help, among others In:
- We advise on the choice of the corporate structure and legal form of the business.
- We establish companies, branches, representative offices and foundations – in Poland and abroad.
- We prepare all documentation, including drafts of the necessary contracts and statutes.
- We provide day-to-day corporate services for commercial companies and partnerships and their groups – including, among other activities, handling meetings of their bodies and preparing internal documentation.
- We provide advice on the liquidation and dissolution of entities and changes in the composition of companies.
- We comprehensively conduct M&A transactions, as well as division and transformation of companies.
- We provide advice on the formation and registration of alternative-investment companies (ASIs) and offer ongoing support for these entities.
- We offer advice on transactions including the sale of enterprises and their organized parts, shares and interests, and rights and obligations in partnerships.
- We conduct legal and tax audits (due diligence).
- We represent our Clients before courts of all instances and administrative bodies.We support in planning and safely carrying out generational succession.
We help, among others In:
- We negotiate, prepare and review necessary contracts including, among others, those for construction works (cubic and linear), for general contracting (also based on FIDIC and the turnkey solution), for investor supervision, for design works and for subcontracts.
- We support Clients in obtaining permits from administrative bodies including, among others, construction permits, zoning decisions, occupancy permits and others.
- We assist Clients operating under the regime of the Public Procurement Law – we advise on the creation of bids, verify tender documentation and represent Clients before the National Chamber of Appeal and the President of the Public Procurement Office.
- We provide legal support in the course of the ongoing investment, at every stage, providing legal advice on day-to-day problems occurring in the investment process, assisting in the analysis of claims related to implementation of the investment, supporting the exercise of the rights of our Clients as parties to the investment process.
- We comprehensively handle disputes, including in court, e.g. ones resulting from non-performance or improper performance of the contract, contractual penalties, delays, etc.
We help, among others In:
- We represent Clients before district, regional and appellate courts, as well as before the Supreme Court and in arbitration.
- We provide support in negotiations and at the pre-litigation stage, as well as in mediation and settlement proceedings.
- We develop a litigation strategy tailored to the factual circumstances, taking into account the efficiency of the acts undertaken and the costs associated with the litigation.
- We are in constant contact with the Client, providing the necessary information on an ongoing basis.
- We constantly monitor judicial decisions to be able to offer the most up-to-date legal solutions.
We help, among others In:
- We prepare, negotiate and review business contracts.
- We make sure that the contract is properly secured, using the most optimal legal institutions.
- We prepare and implement general terms and conditions of sale and service.
- We advise Clients in the course of contract performance.
- We assist in pursuing the claims arising during performance of the contract.
- We provide advice on tax issues related to contract performance.
We help, among others In:
- We develop a strategy for the protection of intellectual- and industrial-property rights – from the establishment of the object of protection, through its implementation, to any changes.
- We prepare intellectual-property-right contracts including, among others, those relating to the trading of property copyrights (licenses, lease contracts) and implementation contracts.
- We provide legal advice on the protection of unique know-how.
- We handle a wide range of re-privatization cases.
- We provide support in the area of industrial-property and trademark law – we conduct the entire application procedure on behalf of our Clients and represent them in opposition proceedings.
- We represent Clients in litigation against infringement of copyrights, industrial-property rights and acts of unfair competition, before the Patent Office and before courts.
We help, among others In:
- We prepare regulations for online stores.
- We develop and comprehensively implement GDPR procedures, tailored to the specifics of online stores.
- We support Clients in serving consumers in accordance with the law.
- We develop complaint policies and assist in handling complaints.
- We prepare checkboxes concerning, among other items, personal data, the right to withdraw from the contract, or consent to receive newsletters.
- We handle disputes in the fields of industrial-property rights, online domains and combating acts of unfair competition, among other issues.
- We support the resolution of disputes in the scope of withdrawal from a contract concluded at a distance.
- We help negotiate contracts with companies specializing in technical website maintenance and positioning.
We help, among others In:
- We prepare documents related to employment including, among others, employment contracts, managerial contracts and non-competition agreements.
- We prepare work regulations, remuneration regulations and company social-benefit-fund regulations, as well as other intra-company sources of labour law.
- We conduct audits of employee records.
- We offer termination assistance (individual layoffs, collective/monitored layoffs).
- We provide representation in all labour-law disputes including, among others, those related to the establishment, determination or termination of the employment relationship, bullying and discrimination cases, and non-competition cases.
- We take part in negotiations with labour unions and provide assistance in collective labour disputes.
- We provide legal services for processes related to the employment of foreigners in Poland.
- We represent Clients in inspection proceedings conducted by the State Labour Inspectorate and the Social Insurance Institution.
We help, among others In:
- We help select the optimal types of restructuring proceedings.
- We advise on preparation of the restructuring strategy and the restructuring plan, on proposals for composition, and provide support in negotiations with creditors.
- We represent debtors in court-restructuring and bankruptcy proceedings, both before the court and in relations with receivers, administrators, supervisors and restructuring advisors.
- We advise on the protection of company board members from personal liability and handle cases for the prohibition for board members to conduct business activity and hold positions.
- We advise on securing the interests of creditors in the event of a counterparty’s insolvency and on the recovery of claims in enforcement, restructuring or bankruptcy proceedings.
- We represent creditors in restructuring and bankruptcy proceedings, in all activities before the court and before receivers, administrators, supervisors and restructuring advisors.
- We support investors interested in providing financing to entrepreneurs in restructuring.
- We advise on the acquisition of assets from companies in bankruptcy or restructuring, as well as assets seized by court order (from court-enforcement officers and debtors).
- We provide legal services to receivers and restructuring advisors related to their restructuring and bankruptcy work.
We help, among others In:
- We handle cases in the field of real-estate and construction law – concerning, among other items, zoning decisions, zoning plans, obtaining a building permit and an occupancy permit, as well as concerning unpermitted buildings and expropriation of real estate.
- We represent Clients before the Agency for the Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture in the scope of payments to farmers for agricultural activities, including direct and area payments from the Rural Development Plan (PROW).
- We provide support in matters related to the conduct of business including, among other areas, the subject of permits, licenses, competition protection, as well as personal-data protection.
- We provide support in the area of environmental protection and waste management.
- We represent clients in the course of inspections conducted by state and local government authorities within the scope of their jurisdiction and in administrative-enforcement proceedings.
- We support in the scope of liability of administrative bodies for unlawful activities.
We help, among others In:
- We provide tax-transaction advice covering: due diligence, transaction structuring, analysis of transaction documentation and tax implications of the venture.
- We offer advice on the taxation of personal income (investors, entrepreneurs, managers and employees).
- We analyse and provide opinions on the tax aspects of Clients’ business activities.
- We represent Clients in tax audits conducted by tax and customs offices.
- We provide legal representation before tax authorities and administrative courts in tax proceedings in the field of VAT, CIT, PIT, tax on civil-law transactions (PCC), real-estate tax and other taxes and public levies.
- We offer advice on real-estate taxation.
- We represent Clients in administrative enforcement proceedings relating to taxes and public-law liabilities.
We help, among others In:
- We provide our Clients with comprehensive defence in economic and criminal tax cases.
- We provide defence for suspects and defendants including corporate executives, in economic and criminal tax cases.
- We represent victims (companies, shareholders, investors, creditors, etc.) in criminal proceedings at every stage, taking care of their interests and pursuing claims for redressing damage.
- We provide advice on implementing procedures to prevent corporate offences as well as financial and economic fraud.
- We comprehensively handle cases related to criminal liability of collective entities.

Mortgages in Swiss Francs and Savings and Insurance Policies
Mortgages in Swiss Francs and Savings and Insurance PoliciesWe help, among others In:
- We represent Clients in disputes with banks – including concerning loan contracts based on the exchange rate of the Swiss franc (denominated or indexed), other abusive clauses and low own-contribution insurance.
- We handle cases against financial and insurance institutions – in particular concerning so-called savings-and-insurance policies, as well as bonds and investment certificates.
- We are engaged in disputes with insurance companies related to claims for payment of damages.
- We represent Clients in cases for damages against financial institutions in connection with losses suffered as a result of the acquisition of various types of financial instruments, securities, etc. (stocks, bonds, certificates, participation units, financial products of various types).

Services provided to developers (and apartment buyers)
Services provided to developers (and apartment buyers)We help, among others In:
- We draft and review prospectuses, development contracts, reservation or preliminary contracts, as well as leases and other contracts concluded during the investment process.
- We represent buyers of apartments in development projects in the cases relating to development, preliminary and reservation contracts.
- We support buyers of apartments in development projects in asserting claims and rights in connection with warranties and/or guarantees for defects in apartments, as well as claims related to delays in the release of apartments.