Tax Law

Conscious and effective
management of corporate taxes

Certain business decisions have tax consequences. Taxes often determine the profitability of activities undertaken and affect their economic results. Therefore, when providing legal advice on business matters, proposing certain solutions in contracts or disputed situations, we always try to take into account the tax perspective and draw the Client’s attention to the tax aspects of the activities performed.

Bearing in mind the jungle of tax regulations and their extremely complicated nature, taking into account the dynamics of changes in tax law and judicial decisions, when providing legal services to clients, we are supported by the expertise of top professionals – tax advisors, with expertise in specific taxes (VAT, PIT, CIT, tax on civil-law transactions (PCC), excise tax, real-estate tax, etc.).

We strive to ensure that the legal solutions offered to our Clients, in all aspects of their business, are safe and transparent from a tax perspective, and that Clients are aware of the tax consequences of these activities.

The support we offer to our clients is individualized – it takes into account not only current legislation, but also business aspects and the specifics of the business.

In the event of a tax audit or tax proceedings, we represent our Clients before the tax-administration authorities, as well as in the course of litigation before the administrative courts in tax matters.

What do we do within this specialization?

  • We provide tax-transaction advice covering: due diligence, transaction structuring, analysis of transaction documentation and tax implications of the venture.
  • We offer advice on the taxation of personal income (investors, entrepreneurs, managers and employees).
  • We analyse and provide opinions on the tax aspects of Clients’ business activities.
  • We represent Clients in tax audits conducted by tax and customs offices.
  • We provide legal representation before tax authorities and administrative courts in tax proceedings in the field of VAT, CIT, PIT, tax on civil-law transactions (PCC), real-estate tax and other taxes and public levies.
  • We offer advice on real-estate taxation.
  • We represent Clients in administrative enforcement proceedings relating to taxes and public-law liabilities.

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Szmyrka Nawrat & Wspólnicy spółka jawna

ul.Widok 10, 50-052 Wrocław | see on map